Pre-Service Teacher Preparation

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Teacher Candidate Coach

University of Pittsburgh

Department of Teaching, Learning, and Leading

  • Collaborated with a team to reimagine teacher education for undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Pittsburgh by shifting our supervision model to a coaching model.
  • Coached 18 pre-service secondary science, mathematics, and social studies teachers at 13 different school placements.
  • Led the team that designed tools to facilitate observation/debrief cycles, innovative coaching touchpoints, and workshops to onboard students and new Teacher Candidate Coaches.
  • Introduced the reimagined approach to pre-service teachers as a guest lecturer in their summer Critical Pedagogies course.


Instructor/ Course Designer- Teaching & Learning in SEcondary STEM I

University of Pittsburgh

Department of Teaching, Learning, and Leading

In-person course

  • Redesigned the Teaching and Learning in STEM methods courses to align with PittEd's mission-vision and the new undergraduate teacher education major.
  • To reimagine teaching and learning in secondary STEM, I engaged in a semester-long workshop with EarthForce on infusing civics into pre-service environmental education.
  • We will present the project at the 52nd Annual North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE)
  • Participated in a three-day Valley and Ridge Faculty Development Workshop in collaboration with the Association for Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) to integrate sustainability into the course.

Link to Syllabus

Spring 2023

Instructor- Student Teaching SEminar

University of Pittsburgh

Department of Teaching, Learning, and Leading

Hybrid Course

  • Worked alongside veteran faculty to design and facilitate a seminar experience for all University of Pittsburgh student teachers preparing to enter the teaching profession.
  • Course activities included engaging with guest speakers from the education community, preparing for a job fair, understanding Pennsylvania certification, understanding professionalism standards in teaching, preparing for a job search and interviewing, understanding the role of teacher unions, exploring ways to authentically engage the school community and families in ways that are culturally sustaining, working with students who identify as LGBTQIA+, and understanding equitable and culturally responsive schooling for culturally diverse communities.
  • Comments from student surveys
    • "I loved having different guest speakers each week in class, which was so helpful in gaining valuable information. I also enjoyed different administrators coming into the classroom to discuss important aspects of teaching such as certifications, PA Educator, the PERC job fair, etc."
    • "Holl gives amazing feedback and she is ALWAYS willing to help her students."

Link to Syllabus

Fall 2022

Instructor/ Course Designer- Teaching & Learning in SEcondary STEM II

University of Pittsburgh

Department of Teaching, Learning, and Leading

In-Person Course

  • Collaborated with the instructor of Teaching & Learning in STEM I to align the concurrent courses in meaningful ways.
  • Redesigned the Teaching and Learning in STEM I methods course to align with PittEd's mission vision.
  • Piloted new initiatives within PittEd methods courses, including optional field coaching activities, learning for justice standards alignment, weekly rematriation activities, and a living syllabus.
  • Students were asked to think about PittEd's mission vision and their experience in this course and comment on to what extent they think this course exemplifies/aligns with the mission vision.
    • "I believe this course aligned very well with Pitt's mission-vision statement. We cultivated relationships and forged partnerships with one another and within our placements. We collaborated and learned with/from communities in each class. This class centered around just and equitable teaching practices and how we, as educators, can implement these in our classrooms."
    • "Holly really exemplifies this statement. She was an excellent teacher who supported her students and helped us to understand how to implement social justice and equality in our classrooms. She formed genuine relationships with us as well."
    • "Holly's class helped me focus on educational equity and collaboration (between teachers, students, parents, families, administration, schools...) Holly's class was very aligned with the vision statement.
    • This class emphasized every part of this statement."
  • Students were asked, What was strongest about this course environment?
    • "This course environment was one where all of us felt comfortable asking questions. It was the space this semester where I felt the most comfortable and supported. Holly did an amazing job making sure that all our needs were met, and even if there was not things she could help fix, she helped connect to resources to help us fix it. Holly helped us to come together as a cohort. She was very understanding and made accommodations based on our needs and created an environment where we did not feel scared going to her."
    • "The rapport built among the cohort, which was strongly encouraged by the instructor. The support system established in the classroom was essential for the success of the class. In addition, the instructor demonstrated a great deal of enthusiasm and openness, allowing a safe space to talk about the realities and stresses of the program."

Link to Syllabus

Spring 2021

Instructor/ Course Designer- Teaching & Learning in SEcondary SCIENCE III

University of Pittsburgh

Department of Teaching, Learning, and Leading

Online Course (Due to COVID-19 pandemic)

  • Designed the course to align with PittEd mission-vision and support the transition to an online-only platform during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • 100% course evaluation response rate. 100% instructor overall teaching effectiveness rating.

Link to Syllabus

Fall 2020

Teaching Assistant- Teaching & Learning in SEcondary SCIENCE II

University of Pittsburgh

Department of Teaching, Learning, and Leading

Online Course (Due to COVID-19 pandemic)

  • Helped teach a masters-level science methods course that covered standards, lesson planning, unit planning, orchestrating constructive discourse, and learning environment facilitation
  • Designed a research project to analyze students' implementation of Universal Design for Learning strategies to improve lesson plans for students who are deaf and hard of hearing.
  • Supported transition to an online-only platform during the COVID-19 pandemic

University Teaching

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In-Service Teacher Education

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Connect with me

Holly M. Plank, M.Ed.


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STEM Teacher Educator


